New Age Doo-Doo and Divine Feminine “Abundance” Cults

there is something that i have wanted to express for some time now… i’ve been meditating on it, ruminating on it, procrastinating on it for many months…

a significant amount of time has now passed since i stepped out of the world of the women’s circles pyramid schemes (over a year now) – and i still find myself processing the leftover emotions around it. there’s so many leftover fragments that never fully got resolution, because the whole thing blew up and then imploded into a pile of ash rather quickly. and since that time, there hasn’t been a whole lot of private or community processing about what went down…. nor has there been very much accountability and responsibility by the people who orchestrated and benefitted from the pyramid scheme situation. so we’re just left with a whole lot of uncleared, undealt with new age doo-doo that just got swept under the rug.

in all honesty, getting involved with the women’s circles was one of the biggest mistakes of my life, and has left me jaded – with a lot of serious trust issues when it comes to the new age women’s empowerment community.

When I first got into the world of the women’s circles, I wanted so much to contribute to the world with the purpose of empowering women to be fully alive, vibrant, authentic, radiating joy, creativity, liberated sexuality… I wanted women to be fully aligned with their divine feminine essence, and to really embody that full YES. I believed that with all of my heart. (see my ‘Total Permission to Say Yes to Life’ video)…

But in the aftermath, every “women’s empowerment” group with a charismatic goddessy leader just looks like a cult to me, trying to financially fleece other women who are feeling insecure, lost, confused and groping for direction. It just looks like new age cult mind control programming to rip people off. I can’t take any of that kind of stuff seriously.

And I will take responsibility. I will take responsibility for choosing to step into the women’s circle. I will take responsibility for not doing my research about them, not doing my research about pyramid schemes, not listening to my brilliant naysayer friends who warned me.

But what I cannot fathom are the leaders, the elders, the women I looked up to, the people of authority who I gave my trust to… who made who knows how much money off of these women’s circles, leaving many other women ripped off and empty handed. Many of these women went to Bali, to India, moved to new regions – empowered by their sudden “abundance”.. Bought houses, Started businesses, put themselves into grad school, etc… While other women got fleeced and were left directionless and incapable of getting their money back.

And what bothers me the most?! That these are “spiritual” women. “Enlightened” women… “Visionary” women… Women who profess a deep reverence for divine feminine, for stepping into our power, for “the medicine work”… Women who are healers, teachers, massage therapists, yoginis, dancers… some of the most amazing women I know! Many of them are you! And we all got duped. The most intelligent, creative, visionary women I know in my life all got duped. by a pyramid scheme.

We got seriously manipulated as a community. Manipulated by greedy avarice, manipulated by “senior sisters” who were only in it for themselves, manipulated by cult mind control… manipulated because we were too immature, delusional, willing to believe anything, not willing to do our homework, and willing to look the other way when presented with blind spots.

And what we were sold – besides the promise of gaining $20,000 or $40,000 or $11,520 or $4,000? We were sold the promise of “women’s community holding sacred community space together…” Weekly phone calls to empower, support and love each other up… But when it really came down to it, that was a lie too – because each woman was just another number, another pawn, another piece in somebody else’s great manipulative chess board so they could take home the winnings. Because women were disposable and easily removed from the circle if it was strategic.

I spent a solid year completely hooked in to this system, followed by another 6 months still tempted to play the game as a form of gambling… and all I’m left with a year later is a feeling of shame for making such poor decisions and trusting elders who did not have my back, and who upheld no honor, and who did not foster any real sense of community support.

And so, until I am proven otherwise – I am having a really hard time taking any of these “divine feminine goddess empowerment” gurus seriously. It all looks like a new age cult sham to me.

I’m sorry if this offends & triggers many of you, but this is something I’ve been wanting to say for so long………………….

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